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Welcome To Mike The Marine: The Story Renegade Starts Here

Updated: Nov 14, 2024

No matter how you got here, welcome to Mike The Marine.

You may be wondering what this website is all about. Whether you came from my YouTube channel or somewhere else, I write and produce stories. My catalogue of work spans an array of creative projects, including:

  • The Dark Resurgence - a short film that explores an alternate reality of Star Wars following the Battle of Endor.

  • Tales of the Sith - a re-telling of Old Republic stories and how they interweave with the world of The Dark Resurgence and Wrath of the Empire.

  • Wrath of the Empire - a fan series concept for The Dark Resurgence sequel.

  • MetaKing - a series about timeless, biblical truths unveiled to a brave, new world.

I plan to continue The MetaKing series and am in production on an all-new fantasy comic book series. I have a lot of ideas to pursue moving forward from books to feature films and earning your support will only help us get there faster.

My storytelling approach can be summed up with the words, Story Renegade.

Being a Story Renegade is about fighting the mainstream ethos, not just in the projects I choose, but in how I create them. I like projects to be built from the ground up with the help and support of everyday fans. It isn't the road of fortune but money can't buy love or passion.

As I've gotten older, I've reevaluated a lot of my goals and priorities for what comes next with Mike The Marine. I am all about entertaining stories but so much content today is shallow and vapid. Much more is grossly degenerate. I make no claim to perfection, but I know that God wants me to put some good out there to outshine the bad.

For a long while, Hollywood has pushed bad, immoral narratives that hurt the soul. In the last 15 years, the Hollywood hive has embraced blatantly evil narratives that kill the soul. While Hollywood has never been a bastion of traditional conservatism, it has unmoored from the values of morality and truth that once inspired timeless classics.

For those with a sensitive conscience or strong moral compass, much of today’s entertainment doesn’t resonate. Many find themselves turning to older movies for stories that uplift the soul. While there’s great value in enjoying timeless classics, we can’t afford to stop creating stories for today. We need to forge ahead, bringing truth and beauty into the modern world.

My goal is to blaze a unique trail. One defined by an orthodox imagination- a creative vision that is timeless and true.

Interestingly, the right way has become the new rebellion. Depending on the context, rebellion can be good or bad, but rebelling against the evil plaguing us is not only good, it's necessary.

If you agree with this vision, I invite you to join our Story Renegade.

Here's how you can support us:

Above all, the email list is crucial. In case of censorship, it will ensure we can stay in touch and continue sharing stories that matter.

Thank you for reading this far and for supporting the Story Renegade. Together, we can make a difference in the world of storytelling.

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